Who am I? I am a Machine Learning (ML) Engineer with a genuine interest in making the world more efficient through the endless potential of computers and data.
My education: I have a M.Sc. in Data Science from the Eindhoven University of Technology (NL) and a B.E. in Computer Science from the National Polytechnic Institute (MX).
My career in a nutshell: Since 2022, I work as an ML Engineer at Walmart, building end-to-end solutions for Neural Machine Translation tasks. Previous to that, I worked for Egnite Health on detecting heart diseases with Computer Vision. In 2019, I researched AutoML in both the academy and industry in the Netherlands. Between 2014 and 2017, I was a Senior Software Engineer at Oracle building cloud infrastructure.
My interests: I am interested in Machine Learning research and applications. I like both learning theory as well as implementing methods and tools, preferably novel ones.
In this website, you will find an extended version of my CV, links to my professional networks, and some other information that may help you to know me better.
The best way to contact me is via email, but feel free to reach me through your favorite choice.